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Piano in Space

P I A N O I N S P A C E is a captivating journey through dreamy soundscapes that seamlessly meld electronic and acoustic elements. This project is a unique crossover, defying genre boundaries, where structured compositions meet the art of improvisation. Blending the alchemy of sound, Sasha effortlessly switches between acoustic grand piano and modular synthesizer. Piano harmonies and melodies transport the audience, while the synthesizers creates otherworldly atmospheres that defy conventional musical norms. Rhythms and grooves created by the drum
machine set the heartbeat of the performance, adding depth and resonance to the dreamy ambiance. Mixing his classical music background with his fascination for analog synthesizers and treatments, Sasha creates a musical path that navigates the uncharted territories of electronic effects and dreamy piano melodies, leaving the audience in awe.

Watch the Piano in Space Full Live Set.

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